

This documentation covers the Rusty Kaspa framework — Rust infrastructure and WASM bindings that allow this framework to be used in JavaScript and TypeScript environments.

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Rust WASM JavaScript TypeScript NodeJS Bun Electron NWJS


Rusty Kaspa is built using multi-platform Rust crates (libraries). The Rust framework is exposed to JavaScript and TypeScript via the WASM compilation target, producing the WASM SDK. Additionally, the Rust framework can be used by native applications targeting platforms such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The WASM SDK is compatible with all major browsers, Node.js, Bun, and environments like NWJS and Electron. It is also compatible with Chrome Extension Manifest Version 3, making it suitable for use in Chrome browser extensions.


For help, visit the Kaspa Discord server and join the #development channel.


The Rusty Kaspa framework is available on the Rusty Kaspa GitHub repository.


  • Rusty Kaspa README contains build instructions for the Rusty Kaspa framework.
  • WASM SDK README contains build instructions for the WASM SDK as well as instructions on running WASM SDK examples.


TypeScript and Rust API documentation is available at the following URLs:

Rust crates

Rust documentation is broken into multiple crates (modules) comprising the Rusty Kaspa framework. Each crate is documented separately and can be accessed using links below.

Client-side framework

These crates are available to client-side applications.






  • kaspa-cli - Kaspa command line RPC interface and wallet

Rusty Kaspa Node framework

These crates comprize the Rusty Kaspa node framework. They can be used in Rust native applications only.

Consensus & p2p



  • kaspad - Kaspa p2p node daemon

Building from source

Please follow up to date build instructions in the Rusty Kaspa README


Rusty Kaspa images based on Alpine linux can be found here:

Running Rusty Kaspa p2p Node

A typical execution arguments for a mainnet Rusty Kaspa p2p node are as follows:

cargo run --release -- --utxoindex --disable-upnp --maxinpeers=64 --perf-metrics --outpeers=32 --yes --perf-metrics-interval-sec=1 --rpclisten= --rpclisten-borsh= --rpclisten-json=

To configure the node for testnet, simply add the --testnet flag.

This will power up the node connecting it to the currently default testnet-10 network.

To connect to an alternate testnet network, use the --testnet flag followed by --netsuffix=<id> where the <id> is the testnet id. For example, to connect to testnet-11, use --testnet --netsuffix=11.

Please see the RPC ports section for more information on RPC port selection.

UTXO Index

UTXO Index is an auxiliary database that enables the Kaspa node to perform additional tracking of transaction addresses. This allows you to setup notifications for when a new transaction matching your addresses has been detected.

If UTXO Index is not enabled, RPC calls requesting UTXO By Addresses information will result in an error.

To enable UTXO Index run the node with the --utxoindex command-line argument.

Systemd Service

Description=Kaspad p2p Node (mainnet)
ExecStart=/home/user/rusty-kaspa/target/release/kaspad --utxoindex --disable-upnp --maxinpeers=64 --perf-metrics --outpeers=32 --yes --perf-metrics-interval-sec=1 --rpclisten= --rpclisten-borsh= --rpclisten-json=


Command line arguments

Kaspa full node daemon (rusty-kaspa) v0.15.2

Usage: kaspad [OPTIONS]

  -C, --configfile <CONFIG_FILE>
          Path of config file.
  -b, --appdir <DATA_DIR>
          Directory to store data.
      --logdir <LOG_DIR>
          Directory to log output.
          Disable logging to files.
  -t, --async-threads=<async_threads>
          Specify number of async threads (default: 10).
  -d, --loglevel=<LEVEL>
          Logging level for all subsystems {off, error, warn, info, debug, trace}
          -- You may also specify <subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,... to set the log level for individual subsystems. [default: info]
          Interface:port to listen for gRPC connections (default port: 16110, testnet: 16210).
          Interface:port to listen for wRPC Borsh connections (default port: 17110, testnet: 17210).
          Interface:port to listen for wRPC JSON connections (default port: 18110, testnet: 18210).
          Enable RPC commands which affect the state of the node
          Connect only to the specified peers at startup.
          Add peers to connect with at startup.
          Add an interface:port to listen for connections (default all interfaces port: 16111, testnet: 16211).
          Target number of outbound peers (default: 8).
          Max number of inbound peers (default: 128).
          Max number of RPC clients for standard connections (default: 128).
          Reset database before starting node. It's needed when switching between subnetworks.
          Allow the node to accept blocks from RPC while not synced (this flag is mainly used for testing)
          Enable the UTXO index
          Max (preallocated) number of addresses being tracked for UTXO changed events (default: 0, maximum: 14680063). 
          Setting to 0 prevents the preallocation and sets the maximum to 1835007, leading to 0 memory footprint as long as unused but to sub-optimal footprint if used.
          Use the test network
          Testnet network suffix number
          Use the development test network
          Use the simulation test network
          Run as an archival node: avoids deleting old block data when moving the pruning point (Warning: heavy disk usage)
          Enable various sanity checks which might be compute-intensive (mostly performed during pruning)
          Answer yes to all interactive console questions
          Comment to add to the user agent -- See BIP 14 for more information.
          Add a socket address(ip:port) to the list of local addresses we claim to listen on to peers
          Enable performance metrics: cpu, memory, disk io usage
          Interval in seconds for performance metrics collection.
          Disable upnp
          Disable DNS seeding for peers
          Disable gRPC server
          Apply a scale factor to memory allocation bounds. Nodes with limited RAM (~4-8GB) should set this to ~0.3-0.5 respectively. Nodes with
          a large RAM (~64GB) can set this value to ~3.0-4.0 and gain superior performance especially for syncing peers faster
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Loading into a Web App

Loading in a Web Browser requires an import of the JavaScript module and an async await for a bootstrap handler as follows.


        <script type="module">
            import * as kaspa_wasm from './kaspa/kaspa-wasm.js';
            (async () => {
                const kaspa = await kaspa_wasm.default('./kaspa/kaspa-wasm_bg.wasm');
                // you are now ready to use the kaspa object
                // print the version of WASM SDK into the browser console

Loading into a Node.js App

For Node.js, Kaspa WASM SDK is available as a regular common-js module that can be loaded using the require() function.


// W3C WebSocket module shim
// (not needed in a browser or Bun)
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;

let kaspa = require('./kaspa');
let { RpcClient, Resolver } = kaspa;


const rpc = new RpcClient({
    // url : "",
    resolver: new Resolver(),
    networkId : "mainnet",

(async () => {
    await rpc.connect();

    console.log(`Connected to ${rpc.url}`)
    const info = await rpc.getBlockDagInfo();
    console.log("GetBlockDagInfo response:", info);

    await rpc.disconnect();

The Node.js WebSocket shim

To use WASM RPC client in the Node.js environment, you need to introduce a W3C WebSocket-compatible object before using the RpcClient class. You can use any Node.js module that exposes a W3C-compatible WebSocket implementation. The recommended package that implements this functionality is WebSocket.

Add the following to your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "websocket": "1.0.34",

Following that, you can use the following shim:

// WebSocket
globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;

Security Considerations

The WASM SDK binaries are built directly from the Rust project codebase. The WASM SDK provides all the necessary primitives to interact with Kaspa from NodeJs or browser environments.


To load the WASM SDK, you can use the “kaspa” or “kaspa-wasm” NPM modules. However, for security-critical applications, it is recommended to either build the WASM SDK from the Rust source code yourself or obtain prebuilt binaries and embed them directly into your project.

NPM Versioning

For security-focused applications, any third-party JavaScript Node.js module dependencies should be treated as potentially insecure due to a variety of attack vectors, such as code injection vulnerabilities.

If you must use NPM dependencies, it is crucial to manually review all dependencies and set a fixed version of the dependency, including the patch number. This approach helps prevent unexpected updates when new versions of dependencies are published on NPM.

Manually reviewing and embedding dependencies directly into your project or into a library your project relies on is another excellent option to reduce the risks associated with dependency updates.


It is highly advisable to serve WASM libraries, as well as other cryptocurrency application components, from a server controlled by you. Serving WASM libraries from a CDN or third-party servers can expose your application to potential attacks, such as code injection.

Using Subresource Integrity

When loading WASM or your own scripts via the <script> tag, you can specify an integrity hash for the target resources to ensure that the resource hasn't been tampered with.


Using Subresource Integrity (SRI) helps protect your application by verifying that resources loaded from third parties match the expected content.

Source: Subresource integrity at Mozilla Developer

Building from Source

Instructions for building WASM SDK from source can be found in the Rusty Kaspa repository WASM SDK README.


WASM redistributables are available prebuilt for web browsers and for nodejs. The entire framework can also be built from Rusty Kaspa sources (into WASM) or used within Rust directly for Rust-based application integration.

You can download the latest stable version of the WASM SDK from: https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa/releases

Development releases

Developers periodically release updates to the WASM SDK. These updates are available for download from the following links:

If you are developing an application that uses the WASM SDK, you can use the development releases to stay up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes.



For information on running WASM SDK example please check the following WASM SDK README sections:

Example sources

WASM SDK examples can be found at https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa/tree/master/wasm/examples/

The following URL is the ideal starting point for WASM SDK examples: https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa/tree/master/wasm/examples/nodejs/javascript

SDK Examples

Rust SDK

Rust SDK is much more complex since the entire Rusty Kaspa project is written in Rust. As such, the entire framework can serve as a reference.

A few key points can be found here:

  • Connecting to wRPC - examples and specificities about connecting via wRPC
  • wRPC client examples - examples on connecting to a Kaspa node using wRPC and executing RPC methods as well as subscribing to and processing notifications.
  • PSKT multisig example - a multisig example that uses PSKT primitives.
  • Kaspa Cli - a project that uses the Wallet subsystem as well as the RPC subsystem.
  • Kaspa NG - Kaspa NG is built using Rusty Kaspa SDK and is a good example of a full-fledged Rust application built using Rusty Kaspa.


Kaspa DAG explorers for different networks are available at these URLs:

Explorer Rest API

REST API documentation for Kaspa explorers can be found here:


Faucets provide developers to quickly obtain testnet coins for development and testing purposes. The following testnet faucets are available for the Kaspa network:

Testnet 10


Testnet 11


CPU miners

The following high-performance CPU miner is available for mining on the Kaspa testnets:



The Kaspa ecosystem contains a number of applications that are useful for testing during development.

Please note that applications using the Wallet API can interoperate with each other (i.e., they can open the same wallet files). There are currently two wallets based on the Wallet API:

Kaspa CLI

Kaspa CLI is a terminal interface that includes the Kaspa Wallet and can be used to execute various RPC commands against a node.


cargo install kaspa-cli

Once running, you can type help or settings commands.

By default, kaspa-cli connects to the Public Node Network (PNN). You can use server <wRPC-url> to change the RPC endpoint and network to change the network type.

Kaspa NG

Kaspa NG is an interactive, multi-platform application developed in Rust on top of the Rusty Kaspa framework. It can be run as a desktop wallet or a web wallet. Kaspa NG incorporates the Rusty Kaspa p2p node when running as a desktop application and can also connect to PNN.

When running a local Rusty Kaspa p2p node, other applications using wRPC can connect to it locally.

In addition to the wallet, Kaspa NG also includes node performance metrics tracking and a BlockDAG visualizer.


3rd Party Protocols

Kaspa network does not currently have a Smart Contract solution, however, the network can be used as a sequencer for 3rd party protocols. These protocols can be used to build various 3rd-party application infrastructures on top of the Kaspa network.

As of the time of writing, the following 3rd party protocols are available for Kaspa:

Kasplex KRC-20

Kasplex protocol is a KRC-20 token standard that can be used to build tokenized assets on top of the Kaspa network.





Rusty Kaspa integrates support for the following RPC protocols:

  • gRPC (streaming gRPC, protobuf encoding)
  • wRPC (WebSocket-framed, JSON-RPC-like encoding)
  • wRPC (WebSocket-framed, high-performance Borsh encoding)

For comparison of these protocols and client documentation, please see the Protocols and Clients sections.


When subscribing to event notifications against the Kaspa node, the subscription lifetime is tied to the RPC client connection. If the connection is lost and reconnected, the subscription will be lost. You will have to resubscribe for notifications against the node.

The best way to handle this is to listen to RPC events such as connect and subscribe to node notifications from within this handler.


The Rusty Kaspa p2p node supports two protocols, described below:


gRPC is an open-source universal RPC framework. It is designed to be efficient and scalable, with support for multiple programming languages.

Foro the list of gRPC clients please take a look at https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/awesome-grpc


  • Wide support across multiple languages and development environments.
  • Efficient due to protobuf serialization, which gRPC relies on.


  • Lack of well-established support for protocol routing infrastructure.
  • Rusty Kaspa uses a streaming version of gRPC, which is incompatible with some existing gRPC routing infrastructures.
  • While gRPC is intended to be high-performance due to protobuf serialization, much of the data in Rusty Kaspa is passed as hex or string-serialized data, which reduces efficiency. However, this can make integration easier with client-side infrastructure.
  • No support in the Rusty Kaspa WASM SDK.


wRPC is a proprietary RPC layer developed in Rust by the members of the Rusty Kaspa development team. It is designed for high efficiency, multi-platform compatibility and uses standard WebSockets for transport.


  • Full integration with Rust and WASM SDKs, including support for application load-balancing.
  • Easy to use.
  • High performance.
  • Supports protocol routing infrastructure (it uses standard WebSockets).
  • Supports both binary and JSON serialization.
  • The JSON encoding follows a WebSocket-framed JSON-RPC-like protocol, making it usable in third-party applications.


  • Limited support in other languages (currently only supported in Rust and WASM SDKs).




Rust SDK - wRPC


Rust SDK - gRPC

gRPC .proto definitions

gRPC integration provides .proto files that can be used to generate client code in multiple languages. gRPC .proto files messages.proto and rpc.proto can be found in the Rusty Kaspa repository at https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa/tree/master/rpc/grpc/core/proto.

Port Selection

All RPC interfaces are exposed on specific ports that depend on the network type or network ID you are connecting to.

RPC interface ports can be changed when running kaspad using the following arguments:

  • --rpclisten=<ip>[:<port>] for gRPC
  • --rpclisten-borsh=<ip>[:<port>] for wRPC with Borsh encoding
  • --rpclisten-json=<ip>[:<port>] for wRPC with JSON encoding

For local interface binding, you can specify or localhost as the IP address. For public interface binding, you can specify or the specific IP address you want to bind to.

NOTE: Rusty Kaspa does not have a specific port for the Testnet network type. The 1*210 port is used for all testnet networks. However, when running two testnet nodes on the same machine, it is customary to use 16210 for Testnet-10 and 16310 for Testnet-11. As such, these ports are listed as defaults. However, if you simply pass the --testnet flag to kaspad, it will assign the default testnet port of 1*210 regardless of the testnet network ID.

Default gRPC Ports

  • Mainnet: 16110
  • Testnet-10: 16210
  • Testnet-11: 16310
  • Simnet: 16510
  • Devnet: 16610

wRPC Port Handling

wRPC uses URLs when specifying connection endpoints. The wRPC client performs auto-detection of ports when validating the supplied endpoint URL as follows:

  • If the URL is fully formed, containing a protocol scheme (ws:// or wss://) or a path, the port is not specified unless manually supplied as part of the URL.
  • If the URL does not contain a protocol scheme, the default port and protocol scheme are assigned based on the network type.

The default protocol scheme assignment is based on the execution environment. If running the RPC client in a browser accessing an HTTPS endpoint, the protocol will be forced to wss://. If running the RPC client in a Node.js environment or a browser via an HTTP endpoint, the protocol will be set to ws://. (A page located at an HTTPS endpoint cannot open unsecure WebSocket connections to ws:// endpoints due to security restrictions.)

Default wRPC Borsh Encoding Ports

  • Mainnet: 17110
  • Testnet-10: 17210
  • Testnet-11: 17310
  • Simnet: 17510
  • Devnet: 17610

Default wRPC JSON Encoding Ports

  • Mainnet: 18110
  • Testnet-10: 18210
  • Testnet-11: 18310
  • Simnet: 18510
  • Devnet: 18610

Checking RPC availability

There are two simple ways to check if the RPC server is running and listening on a port: Rusty Kaspa CLI Wallet and Kaspa NG desktop version.

Using Rusty Kaspa CLI Wallet

Rusty Kaspa CLI Wallet is available as a part of official Rusty Kaspa releases. Simply download the latest release, extract the archive and run kaspa-wallet from the command line. Once started you can use following commands to check if the RPC server is running and listening on a port:

network mainnet
connect localhost
rpc get-info

If you are building from source, you can run cargo run --release from the /cli folder in the Rusty Kaspa repository.

Using Kaspa NG

  1. Go to the Settings panel.
  2. Navigate to Kaspa p2p Network & Node Connection
  3. Make sure the Kaspa Network is set to the same network running on your node.
  4. Make sure Kaspa Node is set to Remote
  5. Under Remote p2p Node Configuration select Custom
  6. In wRPC ConnectionSettings select the protocol and the wRPC URL.
  7. Hit Apply

If connecting to default ports, you can simply enter localhost.


You can not use Kaspa NG online version at https://kaspa-ng.org to connect to your local RPC server. Web browser security restrictions only allow the online Kaspa NG version to connect to Kaspa nodes running on SSL endpoints, while the local RPC server does not use SSL (please see how to configure a proxy server for SSL endpoints in the proxies section). The desktop version of Kaspa NG does not have this restriction.

Public Node Network

Kaspa Public Node Network is a contributor-driven initiative to provide a public nodes that are available for use by the community. The network is managed by the Kaspa Resolver load-balancer that monitors public nodes and can be queried for a node that has least number of active client connections.

This infrastructure is primarily used for development and testing purposes. It is not recommended to use the public node network for large-scale production applications or exchanges, albeit many web wallets do as web wallets are not capable of running their own nodes.

PNN is fully decentralized - nodes are operated by independent PNN contributors. A Telegram channel and Discord are used to coordinate updates and maintenance activities among the contributors.

If you are interested in contributing to the PNN, please reach out developers on the Discord #development channel. Running a node within PNN requires a stable internet connection and a dedicated VPS server. All node deployments are standardized to run on Debian-compatible Linux distribution (Debian / Ubuntu) and deployed using kHOST deployment automation tool.

The status of PNN nodes can be viewed at the PNN Status Page.

Kaspa Resolver

Kaspa Resolver is an ALB (application load balancer) that can connect to a set of Rusty Kaspa p2p nodes and and then be queried via a REST API endpoint for the node with least active client connections.

Kaspa Resolver is the backbone of the Public Node Network (PNN) and is used to balance the load between the public nodes. Kaspa Resolver can also be used to create private node clusters.

Kaspa Resolver API is integrated directly within Rust and WASM SDKs, specifically within the RpcClient class, where instead of passing the endpoint URL, you can pass the Resolver object that will be used to obtain the node endpoint each time the client connects. If the node becomes unavailable, the client will automatically switch to the next best available node.

GitHub repository: https://github.com/aspectron/kaspa-resolver


kHOST is a deployment automation tool that is used to deploy and manage Kaspa nodes. It is used by the Kaspa Public Node Network (PNN) contributors to deploy and manage their nodes.

There is nothing special about this project other than this is a Rust-based deployment automation tool and is meant to simplify node deployment and updates.

GitHub repository: https://github.com/aspectron/khost

HTTP Proxies

HTTP proxies can be used to route traffic to the Kaspa p2p nodes. This is useful when you want to expose the p2p node to the public internet, but you don't want to expose the node directly. This can be done by using an HTTP proxy like NGINX or HAProxy.

Proxies also allow you to map multiple nodes to different subdomains or paths. This can be useful when you have multiple networks running on the same machine.


Here is an example of an NGINX configuration that routes traffic to different Kaspa p2p nodes based on the path:

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        # Replace example.com with your domain
        server_name *.example.com;

        client_max_body_size 1m;

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-mainnet)
        location /kaspa/mainnet/wrpc/borsh {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-mainnet)
        location /kaspa/mainnet/wrpc/json {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-testnet-10)
        location /kaspa/testnet-10/wrpc/borsh {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-testnet-10)
        location /kaspa/testnet-10/wrpc/json {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-testnet-11)
        location /kaspa/testnet-11/wrpc/borsh {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

        # Kaspa p2p node (kaspa-testnet-11)
        location /kaspa/testnet-11/wrpc/json {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

Note on use of NGINX

The default NGINX configuration allows for 768 simultaneous connections per CPU core. If you need to increase this limit, you can do so by modifying the worker_connections directive in the nginx.conf file.

Connecting to RPC

Rust KaspaRpcClient (wRPC)

There are 3 ways to define a target node when initiating a connection.

Ordered by priority (the first override the last):

  1. define url when programatically call connect on the previously defined KaspaRpcClient
  2. define url when creating a new KaspaRpcClient instance
  3. automatically delegating url retreieval and re-connection(s) to Kaspa Public Nodes (Resolvers)


  1.  let wrpc_client = KaspaRpcClient::new(
         .connect(Some(ConnectOptions {
             url: Some("ws://ip:port")
  2.  let wrpc_client = KaspaRpcClient::new(
  3. let resolver = Resolver::default();
    let wrpc_client = KaspaRpcClient::new(


Kaspa transactions are similar to that of Bitcoin, but there are some differences on how Kaspa calculates transaction constraints.

The following section covers transaction constraints such as compute and storage mass limits and how to calculate fees based on these constraints.

Transaction Fees

Kaspa transaction fees are determined by the cumulative difference between the input and output amounts, i.e., fees = sum(inputs) - sum(outputs).

Kaspa transaction fees are based on transaction mass, which is measured in grams.

  • Each transaction has a mass limit of 100,000 grams (imposed by the mempool standard).
  • Each block has a mass limit of 500,000 grams (imposed by consensus rules).

Mass Components

The following elements must be considered during transaction fee calculations:

Network Mass

Network mass is the larger value between compute mass and storage mass, calculated as:

network_mass = max(compute_mass, storage_mass)

Network mass is governed by the KIP-0009 standard, with the basic principles explained in the Storage Mass section.

The implementation of network mass calculations can be found in the kaspa_consensus_core::mass module.

Signed vs Unsigned Transactions

When calculating transaction fees, it is important to distinguish between signed and unsigned transactions. The node expects all mass calculations to be performed on signed transactions because the signature is part of the transaction data, contributing to the compute mass.

Both ECDSA and Schnorr signatures are 64 bytes in size. Therefore, when calculating mass for unsigned transactions, functions pad the calculated mass by 64 bytes to account for the signature that will be added upon signing.

WASM SDK helper functions, such as calculateTransactionMass(), explicitly expect unsigned transactions.

Compute Mass

Compute mass is derived from the overall transaction byte size as well as the number of SigOps required by the transaction script.

The implementation of compute mass calculation can be found in the kaspa_consensus_core::mass module.

Storage Mass

Storage mass is calculated using the KIP-0009 algorithm, which takes into account the number of inputs, outputs, and their values to ensure that transactions fall within certain constraints. If a transaction exceeds these constraints, the mass will rapidly increase, resulting in the transaction being rejected by the network.

The constraints imposed by KIP-0009 can be simplified as follows:

  • You cannot create transactions that significantly "fan out" small amounts of KAS into many outputs. For example, if you have one input and try to create many small outputs, the transaction mass will increase quickly, eventually reaching a limit that will cause the transaction to be rejected by the network. The general rule is that the number of outputs should not exceed 10 times the number of inputs. For instance, a transaction with 1 input and 10 outputs (1->10) will be rejected, while a transaction with 5 inputs and 10 outputs (5->10) will be accepted. The following logic also applies:

    • If all outputs are greater than 100 KAS, there is effectively no limit on the number of outputs you can have.
    • If all outputs are greater than 10 KAS, you can have up to approximately 100 outputs before the transaction mass reaches 100k grams.
    • If all outputs are greater than 1 KAS, you are limited to 10 outputs.
  • You are allowed to combine or transfer inputs without increasing the transaction mass, as long as the number of outputs is equal to or fewer than the number of inputs (e.g., 10->10 or 10->1 transactions are allowed).

  • The value of each output must not deviate too much from the input amounts, as explained in the Output Deviation section.

Output Deviation

Output deviation refers to an output value that is significantly smaller than the input.

This constraint can be simplified as follows:

  • The KAS amount of any output must not be less than 0.019 KAS (0.02 KAS can be used as a safe cut-off point). Having any output below this amount will result in rejection.

However, while this constraint can be used as a simple general rule for transaction creation, the actual relationship between input and output values allows for some flexibility. For example, you can create two outputs of 0.001 and 0.003 if your input is 0.003. Additionally, an output of 0.003 can be created if you have an input of 0.007 (you can break down 0.007 into 0.004 + 0.003), etc.

Please see the Change Outputs section for more information on handling change outputs.

Change Outputs

When creating transactions, it is important to observe the resulting amount of the change output. As a general rule, if your change output amount goes below 0.02, the output should be removed and the amount should be sacrificed to fees.

You can most certainly add additional inputs in an effort to raise the change output amount, but that will result in a slight compute mass increase and in general UTXO selection algorithm can become rather complex.

Fee Rate & QoS

Fee Rate

The transaction mass determines the mandatory network fees, which are translated into KAS using the "Fee Rate" multiplier. A 1:1 translation (i.e., a fee rate of 1.0) represents the minimum mandatory fees required by the network to process a transaction. Thus, the network's minimum accepted fee rate is 1.0. A fee rate higher than 1.0 gives the transaction priority over others.

For example, a transaction with a mass of 2,000 grams requires a minimum fee of 2,000 SOMPI (with a fee rate of 1.0). If the fee rate is increased to 2.0, the fee becomes 4,000 SOMPI, where 2,000 SOMPI are the mandatory fees, and the additional 2,000 SOMPI represent the priority (QoS) fee.

When selecting transactions from the mempool for mining, they are ordered by fee rate, with higher fee rate transactions being prioritized. (For more information, see Miner Selection).

Estimating Fee Rate

Rusty Kaspa node provides a getFeeEstimate() RPC method. This method performs real-time analysis of the mempool and suggests fee rate values based on the current load.

The returned estimates are grouped into three sections—low, normal, and priority—and provide a fee rate along with a time estimate for transaction confirmation. By using one of these values, or interpolating between them, you can significantly increase the chances of your transaction being confirmed within the desired time frame.

NOTE: Fee rate estimates are best-effort analytical guesses. Sudden spikes in transaction volume are unpredictable, so there is always a chance that your transaction might take longer to be confirmed. However, this is a rare occurrence, and it is more likely that transaction pressure will decrease, allowing your transaction to be confirmed sooner than expected.

Estimating with Transaction Generator

When creating transactions using the Transaction Generator, you can specify the feeRate (or fee_rate in Rust) setting to apply the desired fee rate to the transactions. If no fee rate is specified, the default value of 1.0 is used.

If you want to allocate a specific fixed amount of KAS for priority fees, follow these steps:

  1. Run the transaction generator with a fee rate set to 1.0. The generator will produce a GeneratorSettings object containing the total mass used by the generated transactions.
  2. Divide the priority fee amount by the total mass to calculate the fee rate multiplier for the priority.
  3. Add 1.0 to this multiplier to get the final fee rate.


If you want to allocate 5 KAS for priority fees, and the total mass for your transaction is 2,043 grams, the mandatory fee would be 2,043 SOMPI. To allocate 5 KAS for priority, divide 5 KAS by 2,043 SOMPI, resulting in 0.002448. Adding 1.0 gives a fee rate of 1.002448.

When you pass this fee rate (1.002448) to the Transaction Generator, it will create transactions with the intended priority fee, increasing the total transaction fee by approximately 5 KAS.

Fee Estimate Data

The fee estimator is an integrated component in the Rusty Kaspa p2p node that performs real-time analysis of the mempool and suggests fee rate values based on the current load. The fee estimator returns a RpcFeeEstimate object, which contains a set of RpcFeerateBucket objects. Each RpcFeerateBucket contains fee_rate and estimated_seconds fields.

The buckets are divided into three categories:

  • Priority Bucket: The top-priority feerate bucket provides an estimate of the fee rate required for sub-second DAG inclusion. For all buckets, feerate values are expressed in sompi/gram units. The required fee can be calculated by multiplying the transaction mass by the feerate: fee = feerate * mass(tx).

  • Normal Buckets (Vec<RpcFeerateBucket>): A vector of normal priority feerate values. The first value guarantees an estimate for sub-minute DAG inclusion. Other values in the vector have shorter estimation times compared to low_bucket values. You can interpolate between the priority, normal, and low buckets to compose a complete feerate function on the client side. The API makes an effort to sample enough key points on the feerate-to-time curve for meaningful interpolation.

  • Low Buckets (Vec<RpcFeerateBucket>): A vector of low priority feerate values. The first value guarantees an estimate for sub-hour DAG inclusion.

Most wallets will use the priority_bucket and the first values of normal_buckets and low_buckets to offer users three choices: priority, normal, and low fee rates.


Batch Transactions

Transaction mass limits can result in the following problem:

A standard transfer transaction can typically carry 83 inputs and 2 outputs. If you have 1_000 UTXOs with a value of 1 KAS each and want to transfer 99 KAS (with 1 KAS reserved for fees), you will not be able to create such a transaction due to the mass limit.

There are two ways to handle this problem:

  1. Create a set of compound transactions where all KAS is transferred to the user's address (thus "compounding" them) and then use the newly created UTXOs to transfer out.
  2. Create a set of "chained" (a.k.a. "batch") transactions where you have "in-flight" compounding by submitting transactions that reference each other sequentially to the node.

Chaining Transactions

The Kaspa p2p node will accept transactions that contain inputs from the UTXO index or inputs of transactions currently present in the mempool. As such, you can create transactions that reference each other within your application and then submit them sequentially (or in the reference order).

When referencing a previously created transaction that has not yet been submitted, you need to create a "virtual UTXO" that uses the previous transaction as a previous transaction outpoint (txid + outpoint index) and specifies the DAA score of the UTXO to be u64::MAX.

The above example can be handled in the following manner:

  1. Create the 1st transaction containing 83 inputs and 1 output (typically to a wallet's change address).
  2. Create the 2nd transaction, consuming the output of the first transaction (~83 KAS), and then add the remaining 17 inputs. The 2nd transaction can now have 2 outputs (the outbound transfer and, if needed, a change output).

Transaction Parallelism

Transactions that reference each other cannot be included in the same mined block. As such, the above example will be mined across two distinct DAA scores, taking at least 1 DAA score per transaction.

However, if you need to compound UTXOs requiring more than two transactions, you can compound them by creating and submitting 2 transactions in parallel and then submitting a final transaction that unifies them.


80 -> A
80 -> B
A + B -> C

In this example, A and B will be processed in parallel, and C will join them at the final stage, resulting in a processing duration of 2 DAA scores.

Miner Selection

When transactions are selected from the mempool for block inclusion, a noise function is applied to the selection process to introduce slight randomness. This is an integral part of the transaction selection process, as blocks produced by different miners can carry the same transactions. By randomizing the selection, there is a higher probability of different transactions being included in mined blocks.

The number of unique transactions included in concurrently mined blocks is known as "Effective TPS" (Effective Transactions Per Second).



The Kaspa p2p node is a high-performance data processing system. Due to the significant volume of data processed by the network, the Kaspa p2p node uses a process called "pruning." The node retains all network data for 3 days and discards it afterward. The only data permanently retained is the DAG-related data required for cryptographic proof of network continuity, along with an optional UTXO index database that stores the current state of all network UTXOs.

Given these constraints, there are several ways to create wallet systems that operate with the Kaspa network:

Additionally, there are third-party solutions for interfacing with the Kaspa network, such as:

3rd Party APIs

While third-party APIs are developed by community contributors in close collaboration with Kaspa core developers, they are not an integral part of the Kaspa network. This means they may experience breaking changes or downtime independent of the Kaspa p2p network. As such, relying on third-party APIs poses additional risks to your infrastructure in terms of downtime and stability.

If these concerns are not critical to your project, third-party APIs can be an easier option, especially if your development environment cannot easily interact with Node RPC endpoints. However, for a more resilient infrastructure with high uptime guarantees, it is recommended to use the Rust SDK or WASM SDK, as they are built directly from the Rusty Kaspa framework.

UTXO Processing

One of the key differences between Kaspa and other cryptocurrency networks is that Kaspa operates directly on UTXOs. As a result, all wallet-related functionality interacts with UTXO updates, not transactions. For example, if a single transaction sends two outputs to your wallet, you will receive two separate UTXO notifications. In general, the usage pattern is that you send transactions but your receive UTXOs. The client-side Wallet SDK simplifies this by performing additional client-side processing, grouping incoming UTXO notifications into transaction-like objects.


To ensure optimal performance when working with UTXOs, it is advisable to reduce the number of UTXOs by compounding them. This can be achieved by creating Batch Transactions to the corresponding account's change address. Each UTXO loaded by the wallet consumes memory. In JavaScript runtime environments, such as web browsers and Node.js, there is typically a memory limitation of 2 GB. While native applications utilizing Rust do not face this limitation, a very high number of UTXOs can still affect RPC and wallet processing performance, leading to slower processing times.

It is highly recommended that if a single address (or account) contains more than 1 million UTXOs, they should be compounded via batch transactions to optimize performance.


The Rusty Kaspa SDK provides a standard set of primitives required to build HD wallets. These primitives include:

  • Mnemonics – Mnemonic processing and private key seed generation following the BIP-39 standard.
  • Key Management – Cryptographic primitives for managing private and public keys using the secp256k1 elliptic curve.
  • Derivations – Key derivation functionality using BIP-32 and BIP-44 standards.
  • Addresses – Kaspa address handling and validation.

The references in this section are not exhaustive but are intended to provide a starting point for developers to understand the basic building blocks of Rusty Kaspa wallets. A great way to dive deeper is by cloning the Rusty Kaspa repository and using "find in files" to search for terms of interest.


Rusty Kaspa SDKs implement standard BIP-39 mnemonics for generating private key seeds. The implementation supports 12 and 24 word mnemonics with an optional passphrase (known as 13th or 25th word).


Key Management

Rusty Kaspa uses secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography library in conjunction with a customized kaspa-bip32 crate that was forked from bip32 crate in order to extend it's serialization and WASM capabilities.


WASM SDK examples of use can be found within other examples in the SDK repository:


The Standard Address derivation path for Kaspa is m/44'/111111'/0' (with 12 or 24 word BIP-39 seed phrases).

IMPORTANT: Please note, legacy wallets such as wallet.kaspanet.io and KDX use a different derivation path and a non-standard address derivation scheme. These wallets are not BIP-32 compatible and are deprecated. Rust and WASM SDKs do not support these wallets and integrators should not attempt to integrate with them. These wallets are being phased out and only a few applications will support their wallet imports, while advising users to migrate to accounts based on the standard derivation path.


There are two methods for key derivation in Rusty Kaspa:

  • PrivateKeyGenerator and PublicKeyGenerator helpers.
  • DerivationPath that can be used to create custom derivation paths.


Rust SDK



Address Format

A kaspa address contains 3 components:

  • Network Type
  • Public Key Version (type)
  • Public Key

The string representation of a kaspa address contains the network type and a bech32 encoded public key suffixed with a checksum.

Example of a network address:






Direct Node RPC

The Wallet SDK and Wallet API are built using the direct node RPC. You can use direct node RPC to interface directly with the Kaspa network, however doing so requires additional logic and processing which can become taxing for the developer.

There are two primary API methods that are used with interfacing with the node to obtain transaction information:

  • getUtxosByAddresses() method - provides a list of UTXOs for a specific list of addresses
  • subscribeUtxosChanges() event subscription - given a set of Kaspa addresses, you will receive transaction notifications against UTXOs affecting these addresses.

NOTE: When using these two methods, you should subscribe for notifications first and then call getUtxosByAddresses() - this sequence ensures that you will not miss any notifications while processing an existing set of UTXOs.

When using RpcClient directly, in addition to subscribing to events, you must also install your own event listener callback using addEventListener method. This callback will be called for any new subscription.

Subscribing for Event Notifications


There are two type of subscriptions - local subscription to the RPC subsystem and remote subscription to the Kaspa node. If the RPC client disconnects and reconnects, your local subscription (event listener registration or Rust channel receiver handling) will remain intact, however, the remote subscription will be lost. You will have to resubscribe for notifications against the node.

The best way to handle this is to listen to RPC events such as connect and subscribe to node notifications from within this handler.


For each instance of the RpcClient, you must register an event listener once, but you must subscribe for node notifications each time you connect to the node - on connection, you have to inform the node that you are interested in specific events so that the node can start posting these events to your RpcClient instance.

addEventListener can be used with a single callback to receive all notifications or with an event name to receive only specific notifications.

// consume all events
rpc.addEventListener((event) => {

// consume only utxos-changes events
rpc.addEventListener("utxos-changes", (event) => {

Rust SDK (wRPC only)

In the Rust SDK, event notifications are provided via async channels, that transport the Notification enum. A clone of the notification channel can be obtained by calling KaspaRpcClient::notification_channel_receiver().

Event notification handling in the Rust SDK is somewhat more complex due to the multi-layered nature of the RPC stack. There are three layers involved in handling event notifications:

  1. Invoking a subscription request: This triggers the node to start posting events.
  2. Activating an internal notification listener: This is done via the register_notification_listener method, which is part of the core RPC notification subsystem.
  3. Consuming notifications: This is done via the receiver channel obtained from the KaspaRpcClient::notification_channel_receiver() method.

This layering exists because the RPC notification subsystem is integral to the Kaspa Consensus processor (used internally by the Rusty Kaspa p2p node) and the same primitives are also utilized in the client-side instance.

RPC Connection and Disconnection Events

Note that RPC connection and disconnection events are managed via side channels known as RpcCtl channels, which are separate from the notification subsystem. A clone of the RpcCtl channel can be obtained by calling the KaspaRpcClient::ctl_multiplexer() method and creating a new receiver channel from it. The Multiplexer is a broadcast channel (MPMC) designed to handle multiple consumers.

fn main() {
// Create a new receiver channel bound to the RpcCtl multiplexer
let ctl_channel = rpc.clt_multiplexer().channel();

For a detailed example of how notifications are handled in the Rust SDK, refer to the Rust wRPC subscriber example.

Wallet SDK

Wallet SDK provides a set of primitives built in Rust that help the client to process wallet-related events. Wallet SDK serves as a foundation for the Wallet API (integrated wallet) and provides all the necessary tools to develop a custom Kaspa wallet solution.

There are three key components in the Wallet SDK that operate in tandem to provide functionality to monitor specific addresses on the network for transactions against them, create transactions and submit them to the network.

Note that the Wallet SDK infrastructure employs an event-based architecture.


UtxoProcessor is a singleton representing the wallet interface. This can be viewed as a wallet - it connects to the node and ensures that all internal processing is handled correctly. UtxoProcessor also provides an event processing interface where you can register for wallet-related event notifications.


UtxoContext interface represents a wallet account. It monitors any given subset of addresses and emits wallet-related events via the associated UtxoProcessor. On creation, UtxoContext can be provided with an id (a.k.a. Account id). This id is posted with each UtxoContext-related event allowing you to distinguish different accounts in a multi-account subsystem.

Transaction Generator

The Transaction Generator interface is designed to create transactions using either a UtxoContext or a manually supplied set of UTXOs. The Transaction Generator is a helper class that simplifies the transaction creation process and handles various edge cases that can arise during transaction generation.

The Transaction Generator functions as an iterator, producing PendingTransaction objects. These transactions can either be aggregated or submitted to the network. Additionally, the generator produces GeneratorSummary objects, which provide an overview of the entire transaction creation process.



The Wallet SDK components are based on an event-driven architecture, meaning your application should listen to events to update its state.

The recommended approach for building wallet infrastructure with the Wallet SDK is to create your own primitives that represent wallet components. These primitives should encapsulate the UtxoProcessor and UtxoContext and be updated in response to events.

For example:

  • You can create a Wallet class that encapsulates the UtxoProcessor.
  • You can create an Account class that encapsulates the UtxoContext.

The Wallet class can listen to events from the UtxoProcessor and update the corresponding Account instances accordingly.

Data Storage

When using the Wallet SDK, you need to provide your own storage backend to manage and track wallet data, including:

  • Wallet Keys
  • Wallet Derivation Data (BIP44 account index assignments)
  • Transaction History

Additionally, you must implement logic to capture transaction timestamps and perform additional transaction processing on startup, as outlined in the Discovery Events section.


UtxoProcessor is the main coordinator that manages UTXO processing between multiple UtxoContext instances. It acts as a bridge between the Kaspa node RPC connection, address subscriptions and UtxoContext instances.


UtxoContext allows you to track address activity on the Kaspa network. When an address is registered with UtxoContext, it aggregates all UTXO entries for that address and emits events whenever any activity occurs on these addresses.

The UtxoContext constructor accepts the IUtxoContextArgs interface, which can optionally include an id parameter. If supplied, this id will be included in all notifications emitted by the UtxoContext and in the ITransactionRecord object when transactions occur. If not provided, a random id will be generated. This id typically represents an account id in the context of a wallet application.

UtxoContext maintains a real-time cumulative balance for all addresses registered with it and emits balance update notification events when the balance changes.

UtxoContext can also be supplied as a UTXO source for the transaction Generator, allowing the Generator to create transactions using the UTXO entries it manages.


UtxoContext is intended to represent a single account. It is not designed to serve as a global UTXO manager for all addresses in a large wallet (such as an exchange wallet). For such use cases, it is recommended to perform manual UTXO management, as described in the Direct Node RPC section.


If you are building an exchange wallet, it is recommended to use UtxoContext for each user account. This allows you to track and isolate each user's activity (address set, balances, transaction records).



Rust SDK


The Transaction Generator simplifies the transaction creation process by:

  • Dynamically calculating transaction mass.
  • Accounting for custom transaction Fee Rates.
  • Automatically creating daisy-chained (batch/sweep) transactions if your UTXO set exceeds the maximum mass allowed in a single transaction.
  • Calculating the correct transaction change output.

The Transaction Generator functions as an iterator, producing a PendingTransaction object that can be submitted to the Kaspa network. A PendingTransaction wraps a regular Transaction and provides additional metadata, such as:

  • A list of UTXO entries (required for transaction signing).
  • A reference to the originating UtxoContext (useful for distinguishing regular outbound transactions from inter-account transfers).

Upon completion, the Generator::summary() function can be used to generate a GeneratorSummary object. This summary provides cumulative information about the transaction generation process, including the total transaction mass, which can be useful for calculating transaction fees.



Rust SDK

Pending Transaction

PendingTransaction is a wrapper around a regular Transaction that provides additional metadata, such as:

  • The list of UTXO entries (required for transaction signing).
  • A reference to the originating UtxoContext (used for distinguishing regular outbound transactions from inter-account transfers).



Rust SDK

Generator Summary

GeneratorSummary is class containing a summary produced by the transaction Generator. This class contains the number of transactions and the aggregated transaction mass.



Rust SDK

Account IDs

As mentioned in the UtxoContext overview, when creating an instance of UtxoContext, you should assign it an id. This id is posted with each UtxoContext-related event, allowing you to distinguish different accounts in a multi-account wallet.

Account IDs must be represented by a hash (a 64-character hex string representing a 32-byte hash). The hash can be generated using the sha256FromText or sha256FromBinary functions (as well as their sha256d counterparts).

This requirement is imposed by internal Wallet SDK data types that use 32-byte hashes to track UtxoContext IDs.

Event-based architecture

The wallet architecture for both the wallet implementation and the underlying UtxoProcessor is event-driven. This means you are meant to affect the wallet subsystem by registering addresses for monitoring and submitting transactions and the wallet will post appropriate transaction-related notification events and balance updates.

Wallet SDK Events

UtxoProcessor.addEventListener() function provides a way to register event listeners that receive events posted by the wallet. These include standard events such as RPC connection and disconnection events as well as transaction-related events.

The full list of events posted by UtxoProcessor can be found here:

Transaction Events

Transaction events are posted when a transaction-related activity occurs on the network and is related to your monitored address set or when transactions are submitted via the Wallet SDK.

All transaction-related event data contains an instance of the TransactionRecord. The data field in the transaction record has the type ITransactionData, which changes depending on the type of the transaction event.

Transaction events exist in the following variants:

  • maturity - The transaction has reached its maturity (the minimum required number of confirmations) and can be considered valid for use.
  • pending - The transaction has been detected on the network and mined into a block but is not yet considered valid for use.
  • stasis - This event is emitted only if a coinbase transaction is detected. Transactions identified in stasis mode should not be accounted for or communicated to the end user. Stasis transactions may undergo multiple reorg changes; as such, the information in the stasis event can be used to track mined transactions and UTXOs, but the wallet balance should not be updated. Eventually, the transaction migrates from the stasis to the pending state, at which point it should be processed by the wallet. (You can think of stasis as debug information for miners.)
  • reorg - This event indicates that a UTXO has been invalidated due to a network reorg event. This event can generally be ignored, as the wallet will appropriately update its UTXO set in reaction to such an event.
  • discovery - A discovery event is posted when the wallet starts up and enumerates existing UTXOs that belong to the addresses registered by the client. Please see the Discovery Events section for more information on handling transaction discovery.

NOTE: Durations used to measure transaction maturity can be configured using the UtxoProcessor::setCoinbaseTransactionMaturityDAA() and UtxoProcessor::setUserTransactionMaturityDAA() functions. However, while user transaction maturity is configurable and can be considered valid if mined into a block, coinbase transaction maturity must meet the minimum DAA score of the network coinbase maturity (which is 100 DAA at 1 BPS and 1,000 DAA at 10 BPS).

Transaction Data Variants

While the name of the event denotes the state of the transaction, the TransactionRecord.data field denotes the type of the transaction and the data it contains. In the WASM SDK, the data field will contain two subfields: type, which will contain the kebab-case name of the data type, and data, which will contain the associated transaction data variant as follows:

While most of these variants are self-explanatory, the following variants need additional explanation:

  • ITransactionDataExternal - Indicates that a UTXO has been removed from the monitored set. This can occur only when a transaction is issued from another wallet based on the same private key set. For example, if you import the wallet mnemonic/private key into "Wallet B" and issue a transaction from it (not initiated from "Wallet A"), "Wallet A" will receive such an event.
  • ITransactionDataBatch - Indicates that the transaction being processed is a batch transaction. Batch transactions compound UTXOs into a single change output that is then used as a source for the final transaction to the destination.
  • ITransactionDataTransferIncoming - Posted when UtxoContext detects a transfer from another UtxoContext attached to the same UtxoProcessor.
  • ITransactionDataTransferOutgoing - Posted when UtxoContext makes a transfer to another UtxoContext attached to the same UtxoProcessor.
  • ITransactionDataChange - Posted when an outgoing transaction is created that contains change. Generally, change transactions do not need to be recorded in the wallet history, as they are the same as the outgoing transaction.

Rust Documentation

Discovery Events

When registering a new address with UtxoContext, the UtxoContext performs a scan for any UTXOs that belong to this address. This process is known as Transaction Discovery.

UTXOs detected during Transaction Discovery may represent UTXOs previously seen by the wallet or UTXOs that arrived during the wallet's downtime. When receiving the discovery event, the client should take the transaction ID and check the transaction history to see if a transaction with that ID exists. If it does, the wallet can disregard the transaction (this means the wallet has seen it before); if it doesn't, the wallet should treat this UTXO as new (store it in the database and inform the wallet/account user of a new transaction).

Under the Hood

When receiving new addresses for monitoring, UtxoContext registers for transaction event notifications against these addresses using subscribeUtxosChanged(), and then performs getUtxosByAddresses() to enumerate the matching UTXOs. All UTXOs detected during this enumeration phase are posted as discovery events.

External access

IMPORTANT: It is crucial to understand the implications of sharing private keys between multiple wallets. If two wallets share the same private key and one wallet consumes incoming UTXOs to create transactions, the wallet that was offline will not be able to see these transactions once it comes back online, as the UTXOs that came in will have already been consumed by the other wallet. The only way to track this type of history is via Explorer APIs or DAG block aggregation. Therefore, to maintain a consistent transaction history, you should avoid sharing private keys between wallets.

Balance Events

Each time a transaction-related event occurs, the wallet subsystem emits a balance event (IBalanceEvent) that contains the current IBalance of the UtxoContext.

The UtxoContext balance consists of the following values:

  • mature: The amount of funds available for spending.
  • pending: The amount of funds that are being received but not yet confirmed.
  • outgoing: The amount of funds that are being sent but have not yet been accepted by the network.

For more details, refer to the IBalance interface.

Rust Documentation

Transaction Timestamps

Kaspa transactions do not contain timestamps. Instead, transactions contain the DAA (Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm) score. The DAA score can be translated into an approximate timestamp by using the RpcClient.getDaaScoreTimestampEstimate RPC method.

This method accepts a list of DAA scores and returns a list of approximate timestamps corresponding to each DAA score.

Processing Timestamps

Transaction-related events contain a TransactionRecord interface that includes the unixtimeMsec? property.

This property is always undefined if the transaction occurs in real time. There is no need to convert the DAA score to a timestamp if you are processing live transactions; you can simply capture the current system time on the client side.

However, if the transaction is of the discovery type, the unixtimeMsec property will contain the approximate timestamp of the transaction.

This behavior is subject to change in the future, so it is recommended to always follow these steps:

  1. If the transaction is not of the discovery type, use the current system time.
  2. If the transaction is of the discovery type and the unixtimeMsec property is undefined, use the RpcClient.getDaaScoreTimestampEstimate method to get the approximate timestamp for the transaction.

Wallet API

Wallet API is a Rust implementation of the core wallet functionality built on top of the Wallet SDK.

Core wallet implementation include the following features:

  • Support for opening multiple wallet files
  • BIP39 mnemonic phrase support (with optional passphrase)
  • Support for multiple private keys
  • Concurrent support for BIP42 multi-account operations and monitoring
  • Real-time transaction notifications
  • Transfers between accounts
  • Wallet file encryption
  • Memory erasure of sensitive data
  • Transaction history with transaction notes

Supported target platforms:

  • Native (Linux, MacOS, Windows)
  • NodeJS (via WASM build target)
  • Browsers (via WASM build target)
  • Browser Extensions (via WASM build target)

Storage backends:

  • Native - Filesystem (rust std::fs)
  • NodeJS - Filesystem (using fs module)
  • Browsers - localStorage + IndexDB
  • Browser Extensions - chrome.storage.local

Wallets using the Wallet API (such as Kaspa CLI wallet and Kaspa NG) can interoperate and open each-other's wallet files.

The Wallet implementation provides a procedural interface to the wallet creation and management. You can create a wallet file, create any number of accounts in this wallet file, create, import or export private keys, estimate and submit transactions.

Wallet API is used by Kaspa CLI Wallet and Kaspa NG applications.




  • WalletApi trait - Rust trait declaring Wallet API methods.
  • WalletAPI method arguments - structs used as arguments and return types for Wallet API methods.
  • WalletAPI transports - transport implementation for Wallet API methods. NOTE transport client & server implementations represent data serialization only, not the actual transport protocol.


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