Interface ITransactionRecord

Transaction record generated by the Kaspa Wallet SDK. This data structure is delivered within UtxoProcessor and Wallet notification events.

interface ITransactionRecord {
    binding: string;
    blockDaaScore: bigint;
    data: ITransactionData;
    id: string;
    metadata?: string;
    network: NetworkId;
    note?: string;
    type: string;
    unixtimeMsec?: bigint;
    value: bigint;


binding: string

Transaction binding (id of UtxoContext or Wallet Account).

blockDaaScore: bigint

Block DAA score.

Transaction data.

id: string

Transaction id.

metadata?: string

Optional transaction metadata.

If present, this must contain a JSON-serialized string. A client application updating the metadata must deserialize the string into JSON, add a key with it's own identifier and store its own metadata into the value of this key.

network: NetworkId

Network id on which this transaction has occurred.

note?: string

Optional transaction note as a human-readable string.

type: string

Transaction data type.

unixtimeMsec?: bigint

Transaction UNIX time in milliseconds.

value: bigint

Transaction value in SOMPI.

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