
The Standard Address derivation path for Kaspa is m/44'/111111'/0' (with 12 or 24 word BIP-39 seed phrases).

IMPORTANT: Please note, legacy wallets such as and KDX use a different derivation path and a non-standard address derivation scheme. These wallets are not BIP-32 compatible and are deprecated. Rust and WASM SDKs do not support these wallets and integrators should not attempt to integrate with them. These wallets are being phased out and only a few applications will support their wallet imports, while advising users to migrate to accounts based on the standard derivation path.


There are two methods for key derivation in Rusty Kaspa:

  • PrivateKeyGenerator and PublicKeyGenerator helpers.
  • DerivationPath that can be used to create custom derivation paths.


Rust SDK
