
The Rusty Kaspa p2p node supports two protocols, described below:


gRPC is an open-source universal RPC framework. It is designed to be efficient and scalable, with support for multiple programming languages.

Foro the list of gRPC clients please take a look at


  • Wide support across multiple languages and development environments.
  • Efficient due to protobuf serialization, which gRPC relies on.


  • Lack of well-established support for protocol routing infrastructure.
  • Rusty Kaspa uses a streaming version of gRPC, which is incompatible with some existing gRPC routing infrastructures.
  • While gRPC is intended to be high-performance due to protobuf serialization, much of the data in Rusty Kaspa is passed as hex or string-serialized data, which reduces efficiency. However, this can make integration easier with client-side infrastructure.
  • No support in the Rusty Kaspa WASM SDK.


wRPC is a proprietary RPC layer developed in Rust by the members of the Rusty Kaspa development team. It is designed for high efficiency, multi-platform compatibility and uses standard WebSockets for transport.


  • Full integration with Rust and WASM SDKs, including support for application load-balancing.
  • Easy to use.
  • High performance.
  • Supports protocol routing infrastructure (it uses standard WebSockets).
  • Supports both binary and JSON serialization.
  • The JSON encoding follows a WebSocket-framed JSON-RPC-like protocol, making it usable in third-party applications.


  • Limited support in other languages (currently only supported in Rust and WASM SDKs).