Interface IRawHeader

Interface defining the structure of a raw block header.

This interface is explicitly used by GetBlockTemplate and SubmitBlock RPCs and unlike IHeader, does not include a hash.

interface IRawHeader {
    acceptedIdMerkleRoot: string;
    bits: number;
    blueScore: bigint;
    blueWork: string | bigint;
    daaScore: bigint;
    hashMerkleRoot: string;
    nonce: bigint;
    parentsByLevel: string[][];
    pruningPoint: string;
    timestamp: bigint;
    utxoCommitment: string;
    version: number;


acceptedIdMerkleRoot: string
bits: number
blueScore: bigint
blueWork: string | bigint
daaScore: bigint
hashMerkleRoot: string
nonce: bigint
parentsByLevel: string[][]
pruningPoint: string
timestamp: bigint
utxoCommitment: string
version: number

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